About Me

Daisy’s story

“Gatsby looked at Daisy in a way that every young girl wanted to be looked at”-The Great Gatsby.

The story behind Daisy Crochet Studio started in a simplistic way; I taught myself how to crochet. Many crocheters learned how to crochet from other family members, that is not my story. My story is rooted from self-taught determination, and maybe there was some Pinterest and Youtube in there to help along the way. My adventure began on a gloomy day in October of 2016. I went to Walmart, in the rain, and bought my first skein of yarn and crochet hook. I had no idea what I was looking for or how hard this ‘sper of the moment’ art project was going to be. I did know that I was determined to give it my all. It was that day where I began my journey into what is known as Crochet.

By the time I completed crochet project, which was a purple snowflake, I found myself in love with having a hook and yarn in my hands. I felt the satisfaction of “I did that; I made that!” Soon enough, I found myself downloading the Michaels and JoAnn app looking for coupons and exploring all kinds of different yarns. There are so many different types of yarn! I did not know at the time of making the decision to start crocheting that there were so many different types and textures of yarn to choose from. I made it my goal of 2017 to explore as many types and textures of yarn that I could get my hands on. With that goal partnered with another goal of completing 1 project in as many categories as possible: jewelry, winter items (gloves, scarves, hats), montifs, baby items, and more. I will say that in 2017, I was able to meet that goal. I completed adult hats, baby hats, baby socks, baby shoes, montifs (flowers, snowflakes, etc), jewelry, and winter items. Once I completed that goal, the next goal became finding out which category I enjoy making the most. I’ll be honest, I am still trying to figure this one out.

December of 2017 came and all my friends were asking me “why haven’t you opened up an Etsy shop yet?” So I opened up my Etsy shop. This is where I had to find a name for myself. I spend what felt like months trying to figure out what I wanted my shop to be called; what did I want people to know me as; what name would I feel proud seeing on a Logo? As hard as I was thinking, I was overlooking simplest answer.

  1. a small grassland plant that has flowers with a yellow disk and white rays. It has given rise to many ornamental garden varieties.

Daisies symbolize innocence and purity. They are also known as the ‘friendly flower’. People always ask me, why I chose Daisy. The answer is quite simple really. My fiance is my biggest supporter and critic. He has always said that I was his Kansas Daisy along the shoreline. Daisies have always been one of my favorite flowers. They are very simplistic in nature, and yet they are overlooked in comparison to roses. The most beautiful things in life are simple and easy to find.

As the years go on, my continuous goal is to improve my art skills of crocheting along with improving my business skills. Being an Etsy Entrepreneur is fun and hard work at the same time. But our parents always told us “find a job that you love so you never have to work a day in your life.”